LTM BB for Short Barrel Rifles is a miniature, persistent, light, visible laser target marker which enables quick and accurate aiming with automates H&KMP5 and H&KMP5K by marking the target with a red laser spot.

NBInat LTMBB Short1

LTM is especially effective when used indoors, and outdoors in twilight and by night. Its construction and its effective scope of 200m make it ideal for infantry units, attacker teams and special forces.

LTM has especially been constructed to fit in the weapon profile. It is tightly connected to the weapon barrel by special installing with an aditional barrel covering where batteries and the switch are. No special tools are needed for its installation. LTM has the retrification ability by direction and hight. Batteries can easily be changed by lifting the flap from the barrel covering. LTM is activated by a push button switch which is in the covering and which makes quick switching on and off possible. LTM is built in the housing made of steel and the covering is of an aluminium-base alloy. All contacts are made of stainless steel or gilded. All plastic parts are of a special highly resistant plastic.

NBInat LTMBB Short2

LTM has durable construction, with no sensitive cables so that it may meet difficult terrain circumstances and demanding military standards.

NBInat LTMBB Short3

Parts of LTM H&KMP5: 1 - Laser , 2 - Barrel covering, 3 - Push button

- Optical power - 3mW (Max)
- Spot divergence - 1mRad (tip)
- Wave length - 635nm
- Maximum scope - 250m

- Power source - 3x357 1,5V Silver-Oxide battery
- Electricity consumption - 30mA (tip)
- Uninterrupted work time - 3h

- Retrification ability - by direction and high

- Laser housing - Blued by steel
- Tube covering - Anodized and plastified aluminium
- Weight
---Laser - 30g
---Tube covering - 80g
- Dimensions completely fitted in the weapon profile

If you need any further information please do not hesitate contacting us!!!

Phone: +381 61 179 38 22, SERBIA, Kragujevac, 2 Milice Miljojković St.

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